6 Ways to Limit Holiday Planning Stress

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6 Ways to Limit Holiday Planning Stress

Written by Erich Allen Dec 02, 2022 12:00 PM

Planning a holiday is never a walk in the park. From arranging things to meeting deadlines, bringing everyone on one page to making sure they enjoy it, holiday planning is demanding to say the least.

Holiday planning stress can take a toll on your overall health, but there are ways you can manage stress and even limit it. These tips would help you plan your time off as best as possible, leaving you restored and ready for more. 

These are the 6 Best Ways to Limit Holiday Planning Stress that You Need to Learn Right Away

1. Plan Ahead

Between the chaotic arrangement of the holidays, we often forget to plan things that cost us our emotions and hard-earned money. One of the best ways to limit holiday planning stress is to sort things out in advance. Ensure you've shopped appropriately for the holidays and planned your accommodations accordingly.

You’ll likely need to set a budget to ensure you're spending appropriately also. Take the pressure off yourself by digging about where you're traveling to or hosting an event. Avoid the last-minute hassle by keeping all your stuff in one place. Planning ahead can make all the difference in the world for stress-free and smooth holidays.


2. Expect the Unexpected

Like everything else, hitches are bound to happen during holiday planning. Things won't always go your way, which is fine. While you might get tickets to your dream destination or score the venue you want, you might need help to get your accommodations right. The key is always to stay calm and as laid back as possible.

If possible, anticipate what could go wrong and devise plan B. You'll realize how to resolve all your issues with the right mindset. Most of the issues won't even require you to get worked up. Expecting the unexpected would even help you enjoy the planning process. 


3. Set a Holiday Budget

Doing budgets is not anyone's preference, especially when holiday planning stress looms overhead. However, setting an operating budget is one of the best ways to ensure stress-free planning and keeping your money in check.

Preparing and sticking to a budget will help you throughout your travel journey. You need to know the amount you're working with. After all, you don't want to return broke from the holidays. Budgets ensure you stay debt-free and relaxed. 

 4. Share the Responsibilities

You don't need to overburden yourself by planning an entire holiday. Drop that stress off your shoulders and involve other people in the process. Specifically, people who are a part of this trip or event, such as your spouse, friends, or family members. Sharing responsibilities and planning things together will lighten up the holiday spirit, and everyone will feel happier to be included.

Make sure you're good at communicating because planning inevitably invites conflict. Listen to everyone and make reasonable decisions by respecting everyone's preferences within reason. Remember, no issue can't be resolved with a listening ear and an open mind.


5. Focus on things you can control

Planning holidays is undeniably overwhelming. Things can easily slip through our minds when stressed, and we have little to no control over our thoughts. Focusing, therefore, on what matters and what one can control is all that's needed.

Take things one step at a time and control your thoughts and actions. Because that is all one is capable of controlling. You cannot control the humps and setbacks, but you indeed can control your reaction toward the situation. So, something you could do is journal about what is causing your stress. Think things through, and you'll undoubtedly find your light. 

 6. Treat Yourself

Holidays are not just a way to come closer to your family/spouse/friends. They are equally there to help you connect with your inner self. You might make the mistake of putting yourself last on the priority list when planning the holidays, which is wrong on all levels.

It's your responsibility to treat yourself right, or else you might need to consult a health physician for all the stress you're taking on. Keep your feel-good hormones activated throughout the process. Don't let the planning part exhaust you because that is not what holidays are meant for. Take breaks when necessary and laugh a little. The key, here, is balance. 

Wrapping Up…

Planning for any occasion can be challenging. It's a whole different ball game altogether when it's for holidays. There are so many things to take care of, which can easily add to the holiday planning stress.

But with our tips for reducing planning stress, you can manage a smooth planning process that's enjoyable to an extent. Happy Holidays!