Travel Itinerary Builder Software

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Travel Itinerary Builder Software

Written by Erich Allen Jan 13, 2022 02:00 PM

It seems to come up more and more these days; “we need to find a travel itinerary builder software for our trip.” Traditionally, the itinerary was known as a map to the travel ahead. A person compiled their flight info and knew where the stopovers were, as well as information about the flight to their destination. Everything in between was a seat and flight number with some times and dates. It seemed like there was a limitation to the word, but today nothing could be further from the truth. 

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Unlike the way we used to think about itineraries, today the word is much more synonymous with just having a plan. An itinerary building service evolved to become something to help travelers put thoughts and desires into a tangible product. If we are looking at an itinerary today, it could include flight and hotel info, car rental, events, meetings, important notes, etc. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to take all that desire and information and pull it all together? Rather than having to sort through emails, calendars, and note apps for that information? 

Why Planiversity?

While we have to plug Planiversity, we start by saying that we’ve done the homework. By our estimates, there is no one service that will meet every traveler’s needs. Sometimes it is all about what comes closest to your own specific needs, and going from there. There are a few good options out there, depending on what a traveler is looking for. The options gravitate toward their own individual niche. Each provides some aspect of service to the customer that sets them apart from the competition but still acts as an itinerary building service.

We at Planiversity have done our best to provide the most relevant and easy-to-use service out there. Simply put, our software is a smart travel-powered itinerary builder that's simple to use and covers many of the necessary bases when it comes to planning needs. We have realized that the most important components in a detailed itinerary software are organization and information.

When travelers are armed with these two components, their sense of confidence going forward tends to increase. But what have we done to set ourselves apart from the competition? To begin with, Planiversity puts planning in the hands of the user. Instead of automating everything, the user builds according to their needs. We provide information and empower you with the tools to use it to build a customized packet.

A Travel Itinerary Built For You

Every packet is specific to your needs because needs differ, there are never two exact packets out there. The user begins by building their itinerary, which varies depending on their mode of travel. From there, they construct the itinerary. Complete with all the details of their flight, road trip, or train ride, giving as minimal or as much detailed information as desired.

From there they will create a schedule, add resource filters, meaning identify the locations of critical resources like hospitals, embassy, police, or COVID testing centers, at the destination. It then gets topped off by creating plans and adding copies of travel documents. At which point the service compiles all that data into a single PDF document. We've literally tried to do it all for the traveler.

The key to a solid travel itinerary building software is to find one that is both comprehensive and informative. Travelers can pull together travel information themselves. But if they want a service that helps by doing the work for them, they should go with who best meets their needs. Not who is the most popular by brand name. Take time to scrutinize the options out there and you are sure to find something that comes close to keeping your travel itinerary planned the way that you prefer.