The Perfect Time to Book a Flight

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The Perfect Time to Book a Flight

Written by Erich Allen Jul 19, 2022 02:00 PM

You are seated comfortably in your seat with your tray table up and your seatbelt fastened. You hear the captain's voice come over the intercom, announcing that the plane will be taking off shortly.

The engines begin to roar, and the plane starts to taxi down the runway. You feel a jolt as the plane lifts off the ground, and you are airborne. You are flying!

The sensation is exhilarating as you soar through the clouds. The views are breathtaking as you look out the window at the world below. You feel like you could fly forever.

Eventually, the plane begins its descent, and you feel the wheels touch down on the runway. You have landed safely, and your journey is over.

Whew! Who wouldn't want to experience this feeling? We all do. 


Yes, there is a but.

It's no secret that the cost of such an experience fluctuates; that is, airfare fluctuates. Airlines are always changing their prices based on a number of factors, including the time of year and the demand for seats. So how do you know when is the perfect time to book a flight?

There's no perfect time to book a flight - but there are definitely some times that are better than others! If you're looking for the best time to book a flight, then you'll want to pay attention to a few things. 

In this blog post, we'll discuss the perfect time to book a flight and help you get the most savings on your travel!

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1. Book Early

One of the best ways to get a great deal on airfare is to book your flight as early as possible. Airlines typically release their fares about six months in advance, so if you know your travel dates, it's a good idea to start watching prices and booking as soon as they become available.

The rule of thumb is to book a flight at least three months before (domestic) and six months before (international flights).

Of course, not everyone can book their flights that far in advance. So, if you're planning a last-minute trip, don't worry - there are still ways to get a great deal!

The Takeaway:

  • You're more likely to get your first choice of flights and seat assignments.
  • Airlines offer early bird discounts to encourage people to book early.
  • You have more time to plan your trip and ensure everything is in order.

2. Say No to The Peak Season

Always avoid peak season and travel during the off-peak season when able. This is one of the best ways to save money on airfare. Unfortunately, airlines typically raise their prices during the busiest travel times, which include summer, winter holidays, and spring break.

If you can be flexible with your travel dates, consider booking a flight during the shoulder season (the time between the peak and off-peak seasons). You'll typically find lower prices and less crowded airports during the shoulder season.

Of course, sometimes you must travel during the peak season - and that's okay! Just be prepared to pay a bit more for your flight.

The Takeaway:

  • Airlines typically offer lower prices during the off-peak season.
  • You'll have fewer crowds and shorter lines at airports.
  • You'll have more choices of flights and seat assignments.

3. Fly Mid-Week

Did you know that the day of the week can also affect the price of your flight? It's true! Airlines typically raise their prices for flights departing on Fridays and Sundays. If you're looking to save money, consider booking a mid-week flight. You'll often find the best deals on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

The Takeaway:

  • You'll save money on your flight
  • The airport will be less crowded
  • You'll have more flight options to choose from

4. Deals! Deals! Deals!

Keep your eye out for deals! Airlines sometimes offer special promotions and discounts, so it's always a good idea to be on the lookout. You can sign up for newsletters, follow airlines on social media, and even set up fare alerts to get notified when there's a great deal on a flight to your desired destination.

The Takeaway:

  • You can save a lot of money by taking advantage of deals.
  • Deals can help you get to your desired destination for cheaper.
  • You can get notified of great deals by signing up for newsletters or following airlines on social media.

5. Red Eye Flights

If you're willing to sacrifice a good night's sleep, you could save money by booking a red-eye flight. These are typically the cheapest flights, as they're less convenient and not as popular. Just be prepared for a long day of travel - and maybe a few naps!

The Takeaway:

  • Red-eye flights are less popular, so you may be able to get a better seat on the plane.
  • You can avoid the crowds at the airport.
  • You can get a full night's sleep on a red-eye flight, as you will be sleeping during most of the flight.

The Final Word

When it comes to booking a flight, there's no one perfect time that works for everyone. However, following the tips above can increase your chances of finding a great deal on airfare! So, get out there and start planning your next adventure!